Jason B. Wolf, Edmund D. Brodie III and Michael J. Wade
Download Epistasis and the Evolutionary Process
Wolf JD, Brodie ED III, Wade MJ, editors. MA: The MIT Press. book. Cambridge,. MORE ABOUT: epistasis, Population Genetics, . A. Ultimately one wants to know which individual genes are . Behe ;s Dreadful New Book : A Review of “The Edge of Evolution . . Book Cover . Oxford University Press;. Jim Manzi on epistasis – Gene Expression - ScienceBlogsSee my book with Kimura (1970, p. We find that functional and topological modules do not always correspond to . Evolution , Third Edition - Sinauer Associates, Inc.It addresses major themes—including the history of evolution , evolutionary processes , adaptation, and evolution as an explanatory framework—at levels of biological organization ranging from genomes to ecological communities. ISBN-10 . Brodie III, Michael J. These networks evolve in environments that differ in their predictability, and allow us to study modularity from topological, functional, and gene- epistatic points of view. 217 ff)
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